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Buying Self Build Temporary Accommodation Just Got Easier!

Posted by Static Trader on June 30, 2020

Lockdown is lifting and we’re all faced with a new national normal. So, we’ve been talking to customers about how Static Trader can make things easier for them. 

Certainly, out of a conversation with some of our lovely self-build customers, has come a great idea: a direct site-to-site sales option. This is particularly aimed at helping those looking to buy a static caravan as self build temporary accommodation. Likewise, another happy benefit is that it also helps those self-builders who want to sell a static caravan they’ve finished with.
Just click below to hear Byron share the idea …

The new way to buy a static caravan

As Byron says, “although we’ve got over 80 static caravans in our Rye Harbour yard for you to look at, sometimes the best way to buy caravans is direct from the previous owner.”

With our large self-build customer-base, it’s possible for us to help with this. Firstly, when existing customers are coming to the end of their self-build projects, they get in touch with us. This is exactly what the customers from the video did. 

Byron and the team follow up with the sellers by making a site visit. Once there, we advise on pricing and check out the logistics of removal from the site. This way, our expert transport team have the information they need to offer the transportation service. 

The best way to buy (and sell) a static caravan

Secondly, we work with potential customers. These are customers who specify what kind of static they’re looking for as possible self-build temporary accommodation. 

* We can discuss their location, needs and any particular specification of static they’re looking for.

* The customers can view suitable options from the new and used static caravans at our showground.

*  If we know a self-build seller with exactly what they’re looking for, we can match them up.

 All of which means maximum choice for the customer. 

Plus, as we already know the postcode and price for the ‘building-site’ statics, we’re able to easily give the new customers a price for transportation to their own postcode. So, if they visit and view the building site static, they’ll have all the information they need to help with decision making (and budget balancing)!

What’s more, the existing self-build customers also benefit. Not only do they stand a better chance of getting the maximum price for their static, they can do it with minimum hassle and no need to advertise it.

As the UK picks up the pieces of the pandemic, we’re continually thinking of how we can do more and better, beyond our own extra mile for customers. If you have an upcoming self-build project, or want to sell on your existing ‘self-build’ static, please get in touch.

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