Top Saving Tips for Static Caravan Owners
We are all feeling the pinch at the moment. Petrol prices at an all-time high, utility bills skyrocketing and the cost of living in general has dramatically rising recently. With this overall rising cost of living many people are having to look at ways of saving money – and unfortunately static caravan owners are no exception.
To try to help in these financially tough times, Static Trader has put together some tips to help you save money as a caravan owner. Here are 10 ways to cut the cost of static caravan ownership:
- Be energy efficient
Many static caravans are hooked up to gas cylinders and are on a metered electricity supply. With the cost of these utilities increasing, no doubt your park operator will have to pass these extra costs on with higher prices for customers. So, it’s time to start thinking about how you can reduce these bills. But how you may be shouting! Well, we suggest you turn your heating down by a degree during cold weather also turn down your hot water tap temperature. Another way to save is to unplug your gadgets so you don’t leave them on standby. Things like televisions, games consoles, dishwashers and kettles when left on use up electricity even though you are not using them. So, our advice, unplug them. On the subject of leaving things on reduce your energy costs even more by turning lights off and lamps when no one is occupying those rooms. Also turn off external lights off at night. Do you really need to light up your holiday caravan in the evening?
- Rent out your static caravan
We know your static caravan is your pride and joy and your home away from home, maybe it is your home, but during the periods it isn’t being used why not make it earn you some money. Some static caravan owners rent out their caravan as the UK population love a caravan holiday away and you have one that’s not being used. Renting your caravan out as a holiday home is a great way of raising some extra money to help pay for your site fees, holiday caravan insurance, and maintenance – or even paying off the cost of buying your unit. Just check your park will allow you to do this first and that your insurance policy has the right cover.
- Use the power of the sun for free
Why not swap the wired lighting you potentially have outside for solar lights to help light up your decking or outside veranda without using any electricity. Let the sun do the job for free.
- Energy efficient bulbs
Reduce your energy bill even more by swapping all you light bulbs for more energy efficient light bulbs. An LED bulb will use fewer watts of energy. If you don’t want to go solar powered outside why not get dusk until dawn LED bulbs for your outdoors areas which will only come on when the light drops and turn themselves off when the sun comes up!
- Sell your static caravan
Owning a caravan can be expansive, you have site fees, insurance, and regular maintenance to pay, not to mention the outstanding finance you still may have to pay out for it. Maybe in these times of hardship carrying on with your static caravan ownership may not be financially viable. Maybe it’s a luxury item that you may not be able to afford anymore and want to release that asset to relieve the pressure on your finances in these tough times. If this is the case, then give Static Trader a call on 01797 222 333 and we will provide you with a price to buy your static caravan from you. Our caravan buying solution is an easy one and we have our own transport team so we can collect caravans from anywhere in the UK with no fuss.
- Shop local!
Make sure you do your shopping when you get to your holiday park destination rather than before. This will mean a lighter carload which will use less fuel than a car laden with food shopping. You could even opt for your weekly shop to be delivered to your holiday caravan if your caravan site allows it. Maybe find a local supermarket near your holiday park to do your shopping as this will also work out cheaper then buying your products in the holiday park shop which usually sell products at inflated prices,
- Stay local!
To save money on rising petrol costs, why not use public transport or dust of your bike and get back in the saddle. By staying local to where your static caravan is located will mean you will use less fuel and if you do use your bike or using public transport, then this will save in parking costs.
Your holiday park may have some good local walking routes, beaches, and parks. Maybe there are other local free attractions, such as museums, local exhibitions, or art galleries. Try to utilise these free days out meaning you can stay local and be entertained but not have to pay a penny for the privilege.
- Reduce eating out or takeaways
We know once you get to your static caravan you are in holiday mode and the last thing you want to do when on holiday is cook. However, try to avoid the temptation, most static caravans have modern kitchens so take advantage of this and cook food rather then order in. Cutting down on takeaways and eating out will mean more money in your pocket, as will cutting down on expensive alcoholic drinks, because lest face it if you do eat out for going to have a little tipple.
Also, the added advantage of cooking will be that the excess heat from the kitchen will help heat the static caravan in the winter months meaning you can prolong turning the heating on. If like in the tip above you are going to go out for the day, make sure you take a picnic and your own drinks rather than going to a cafe and paying premium prices.
- Underfloor insulation
When temperatures drop static caravans can get very cold and heating one can be expensive now with energy prices at an all time high. On solution here is to install additional underfloor insulation to reduce your heating costs and help to keep the warmth inside your caravan. This insulation will also help to protect your caravan floor and reduces the risks of rodents nesting.
- Discount codes
If you do wish to get out and about and you have experienced all the free staff around then look out for discount codes for days out, fuel and shopping. If you’re planning an outing, try to book ahead online for attraction tickets. This works out cheaper then purchasing them at the gates to the attractions. Also check your bank account to see if it has a rewards scheme or cashback at certain retailers.
And finally……….
Hopefully these tips have been useful and help you save a bit of money in these tight financial times. Cutting back on unnecessary spending on your static caravan ownership will help boost your bank balance, build up a savings pot and give you more financial freedom. If you are looking to buy or sell a static caravan, then don’t hesitate to contact us on 01797 222 333 and let one of our static caravan experts talk you through your options. In the meantime, good luck with trying to save some money and let’s hope this time of financial hardship comes to an end soon.
Looking to Buy a Used or New Static Caravan?
Static Trader has a wide selection of new and used offsite static caravans available for you to buy to us as temporary accommodation on your land including a wide range of static caravan manufacturers. Whether you want a single, double, or lodge style static caravan we have the right unit for you. We also buy caravans so if you wish to upgrade and sell your current range of static caravan, we will be happy to purchase them back from you.
Why not view our current stock of used and new static caravans on our website here – Buy a Caravan – or call us on 01797 222 333 to get more information or to book a viewing. Viewings at our Rye-based static caravan showground are highly recommended. So why not pop down and let us show you around the static caravans models you’re interested in, answering any questions you may have. We stock all the main static caravan brand manufacturers including Atlas Leisure, Willerby, ABI, Pemberton, Carnaby, Swift, and Delta.
Static Trader understands that finding the right static caravan to fit your needs as well as your plot can take up a considerable amount of time. Start a conversation with us early in your search and if you can’t find what you’re looking for from our range of off-site statics for sale, we’ll make every effort to source one for you.
If you need to upgrade what you already have, or you just wish to sell your static caravans you already own, then provide us with the information and we will get back to you with a price – Sell My Caravans